Discover the keys you need to unlock a life of freedom and fulfillment.

Experience real transformation and healing. Become the best version of yourself. 

Access Granted is a pathway to your true identity. There are so many people who have allowed resentment and guilt to keep them from being who they desire to be. They feel as if they don’t deserve to be happy because of the things that happened in the past. 

We all have past experiences that haunt us and threaten our present and future happiness, but know you can overcome them. No matter what you’ve been through, you have the power to make a change. Painful memories don’t have to keep holding you back. Don't live in mediocrity, never fulfilling your God-given potential.  You deserve better. 

A life of joy and peace requires that you learn how to let go. You are not a prisoner of your past, and it is never too late to turn things around. Yes, some things happened, and they may have been traumatic, but you're still here and it's not over. There is so much beauty and power found in places of obscurity. You just have to grab the keys to access it.

Our comprehensive training program will walk you through the steps to develop a stronger and healthier sense of self. Access Granted is designed to help you confront, resolve, and move beyond your trauma to live a better life. 

Hi, we’re the McNutts! 

As freedom strategists, we help people maximize their potential and live their lives to the fullest.  

We’ve always had a passion for people, and we’ve made it our mission to empower them to embrace their worth and value. As a consultant to collegiate and professional athletes and at-risk youth and families, Antoine has led social service programs and coached clients across the U.S. Likewise, Kimberlyn has served as a consultant and strategist within two of the "big-four" international accounting and advisory services firms, and the nation's third largest public school system.  

In our decades of experience in business, ministry, and leadership, we have come in contact with so many people who are just existing — going through life on autopilot and wasting time — completely unsure how to be who they are purposed to be. It is so disheartening to see people afraid to be themselves, functioning from the uphealed places of their past.  

So, we decided to be the solution!  

Access Granted is your invitation to growth and transition. You’re here because you know that there’s more to life than this. You’re tired of carrying around all of the pain and guilt that’s been weighing you down, and you’re ready to go forward. We understand, and we’re with you. 

This course covers principles that are foundational for power and abundance. This life-changing program is the first step toward the person that you always knew you could be.

Access a greater level of peace, wealth, deliverance, and breakthrough in your life today!

Payment Plan

Get started today with our flex pay option

We wanted this course to be affordable for everyone and so, we created a two-payment flex plan. Members who subscribe to this option will not have access to the full course until the total amount is paid in full.

Access Granted focuses on helping participants to get free from bondage,

such as:

  • Rejection

    Rejection manifests itself in different ways that keep us from being our best.

  • Addiction

    Addiction is an all-consuming tool of self-destruction that can ruin our lives.

  • Depression

    Depression is a thief that comes and robs us of our joy and peace.

  • Trauma

    Trauma haunts us and prevents us from relating to others in a healthy way.

  • Unforgiveness

    Unforgiveness is a weight that we carry around with us and refuse to put down.

  • Shame

    Shame ties us to the pain in our past and forces us to live inside a shell.

Inside this curriculum, you’ll learn how to accomplish the full measure of the peace, provision, protection, and breakthrough that God has for you, your family, and all that concerns you. 

We’ve created a thorough syllabus with in-depth assignments, exercises, and prayer prompts for self-study. Here’s what’s included:

》22 on-demand 5-star rated powerful teachings 

》8 weekly live online group coaching sessions with Antoine and Kimberlyn

A workbook with 90+ reflection exercises to enhance your learning, deliverance, healing, and breakthrough during this course 

》Lifetime Unlimited Access

》100% accessible and available online, with internet access 


》Pop-up prayer, Q&A, and teaching sessions

If you’re ready to level up in your walk with God, your relationships, and your self-confidence, Access Granted is for you!


Say yes to wholeness and take this journey with us.

We’re so excited about your future!

Payment Plan

Get started today with our flex pay option

We wanted this course to be affordable for everyone and so, we created a two-payment flex plan. Members who subscribe to this option will not have access to the full course until the total amount is paid in full.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Access Granted- Principles, Promises, and Provisions of God's Hedge

    • Welcome, Key Pre- Class Instructions, Important Information, Course Disclaimer and Course Workbook

    • Course Disclaimer

    • Course Guidelines

    • Access Granted: Workbook

    • Access Granted: The Principles of the Hedge

    • The Principles of the Hedge - Participant Workbook Assignment

    • Introduction: Pain Points vs The Promise of God's Hedge (2 Videos)

    • Introduction: Pain Points vs The Promise of God's Hedge - Participant Workbook Assignment

    • Principle 1: The Principle of Promise (2 Videos)

    • Principle 1: Principle of Promise - Participant Workbook Assignment

    • Principle 2: The King Principle (1 video)

    • Principle 2: The King Principle - Participant Workbook Assignment

    • Principle 3- The Principle of Kingdom Citizenship (2 Videos)

    • Principle 3: The Principle of Kingdom Citizenship - Participant Workbook Assignment

    • Principles 4 & 5: The Principle of Protection & The Principle of Provision (3 Videos)

    • Principle 4 and 5: The Principle of Protection & The Principle of Provision - Participant Workbook Assignment

    • Principle 6: The Principle of Perfect Strategy (2 Videos)

    • Principle 6: The Principle of Perfect Strategy - Participant Workbook Assignment

    • Principle 7: The Principle of Favor (2 Videos)

    • Principle 7: The Principle of Favor - Participant Workbook Assignment

    • Principle 8: The Principle of Power (2 videos)

    • Principle 8: The Principle of Power - Participant Workbook Assignment

    • Principle 9: The Principle of Position (1 video)

    • Principle 9 The Principle of Position - Participant Workbook Assignment

    • Principle 10: The Principle of Choice/ Multiple Hedges (2 Videos)

    • Principle 10 The Principle of Choice Multiple Hedges - Participant Workbook Assignment

    • Principle 11: The Principle of Open Doors (1 Video)

    • Principle 11 The Principle of Open Doors - Participant Workbook Assignment

  • 2

    Access Granted: Open Doors (Satan's Grand Counter Attack)

    • Open Doors: Sin and Rebellion ( 2 Videos)

    • Open Doors: Sin and Rebellion - Participant Workbook Assignment

    • Open Doors: Demonic Association and Submission, or Birth Into a Demonic Hedge (1 Video)

    • Open Doors: Demonic Association and Submission or Birth into a Demonic Hedge - Participant Workbook Assignment

    • Open Doors: Manipulation of the Word of God (2 Videos)

    • Open Doors: Manipulation of the Word of God - Participant Workbook Assignment

    • Open Doors: Idolatry (2 Videos)

    • Open Doors: Idolatry - Participant Workbook Assignment

    • Open Doors: Demonic Vows, Oaths, and Decrees (1 Video)

    • Open Doors: Demonic Vows Oaths and Decrees - Participant Workbook Assignment

    • Open Doors: Total Absence From God (2 Videos)

    • Open Doors: Total Absence from God - Participant Workbook Assignment

    • Open Doors: Unforgiveness (1 Video)

    • Open Doors: Unforgiveness - Participant Workbook Assignment

    • Open Doors Bonus Session: Soul Ties (1 Video)

    • Open Doors Bonus Session: Soul Ties - Participant Workbook Assignment

    • Open Doors: Identity Attacks (1 Video)

    • Open Doors: Identity Attacks - Participant Workbook Assignment

  • 3

    Access Granted: The Principle of the Hedge Wrap Up and Summary

    • Access Granted: Principles of the Hedge Summary and Wrap Up (2 Videos)

    • Principle of the Hedge Summary and Wrap Up - Participant Workbook Assignment

  • 4

    Live Online Group Coaching Sessions

    • Access Granted: Live Coaching Session #1

    • Access Granted: Live Coaching Session #2

    • Access Granted: Live Coaching Session #3

    • Access Granted: Live Coaching Session #4

    • Access Granted: Live Coaching Session #5

    • Access Granted: Live Coaching Session #6

    • Access Granted: Live Coaching Session #7

    • Access Granted: Live Coaching Session #8

Are you ready to finally have the life that God created for you?

Let us walk you through the inner self-work and healing you need to find freedom!

Payment Plan

Get started today with our flex pay option

We wanted this course to be affordable for everyone and so, we created a two-payment flex plan. Members who subscribe to this option will not have access to the full course until the total amount is paid in full.


Jackie H.

If anyone is interested in living God's best and in His Abundance, they need to take the Access Granted Class. The weekly video and corresponding homework are all done in such excellence and professionalism. I would say they speak to all levels of spirituality

Ilya Golden

The access granted in class shifted my heart and mind. This class answered questions that I had since I was a young girl. I will never be the same! Her passion for the truth of God’s word and for you to know it is big and her compassion for God’s people is beautiful to experience.

C. Perkins

Hello, Kim before I started this class. I was in a very deep depression. I didn't understand what was going on in my life. I felt like the Lord hated me. Then finally I think the Lord could see I was ready to just tap out. It all started with the 5am prayers which led to the access granted class and everything changed. My relationship with Christ will never be the same. I feel motivated to seek him and talk with him and love him. I understand now that he does love me and that he doesn't hate me and that he has so much more he wants to reveal to me about himself. I don't even have the words to explain how amazing this class has been to me. It has been nothing short of a miracle for me. I feel like I have a new life and a new mind. My life has been changed forever!!!

Dorothy Powell

Hello again Kimberlyn, I must say, that the Access Granted Class was like nothing I’ve ever experienced before! I’ve hurt for so long, and always saying to God, that “there has to be more to life than this!” Well, I’ve finally found out through the Access Granted class, 5 a.m. prayers, and various teachings, that “there is more to life than my past experiences.” Thank you so much for your pouring out Kimberlyn and for allowing the Lord to use you tremendously! I shall continue to listen for as long as I can and apply the principles for a much better life!

About the Instructors

Antoine & Kimberlyn McNutt

Antoine and Kimberlyn McNutt are much sought after freedom strategists and deliverance ministers.They collectively have spent hundreds of hours ministering and tackling issues of the soul with people from various industries, ethnicities, leadership levels, and socio-economic backgrounds; via training, counseling, coaching, and the ministry of deliverance. Antoine and Kimberlyn are the Founders of "Journey For Freedom" which provides; online and in person inner healing deliverance courses and deliverance ministry nights. Together they seek to provide practical teaching on how to break free from bondages, sin, and curses and enter into perfect prosperity, perfect protection, and perfect peace through their signature "Hedge of God" principles.